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Skate boarding

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Foot Ball

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Q: In which sport will you hear the term ' goofy footer'?
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In what sport do you hear the terms love deuce?

The typical sport that uses the term, "deuce", is Tennis or Table Tennis.

In which sport might you hear the term love?

Tennis - a score of zero points is known as "love"; Ex: The score is 40 to love.

In which sport might you hear forty love?

Ping pong. Or Tennis, if you're into that sort of thing.

In what sport do you hear the term 'WIPEOUT'?

This is primary surfing term, but now it's used in many sports and means a crash which looks spectacular but typically not causes serious physical injures

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Does the term horsing around really refer to horses?

Not really. The term "horsing around" means you're being goofy.

What sport do you use the term chipping?

The term chipping is used in sport climbing, which is a form of rock climbing. In the sport of golf, the term 'chip shot' is often used.

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The sport of baseball.

A randolph is a sport term for which sport?

cheerleading or gymnastics

What sport uses the term surfboard?

The sport of surfing.