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Q: How do you reinforce the ends of a dart?
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Pygmies hunt with poisonous ends, which is possible to kill, known as a Blowpipe Dart

Plural word for reinforce?

The plural of reinforce is reinforces.

What is the sentence for reinforce?

The sentence for "reinforce" is: The soldiers used sandbags to reinforce the barricades against the incoming attack.

If a dart hits another dart and not the board what is the score?

For a score to count, the tip of the dart must be touching the dart board.

Does Dodge make a Dart convertible?

The new dart?, not yet, the old dart?, yes.

What are dart points?

Dart points are made of steel, they help the dart stick in the board.

How do you use the word dart in a sentence?

The dart missed.We have won the dart match.In just a few seconds, the bullet would dart past his face.

What is one sentence with the word reinforce?

you should reinforce that fence

What song is played during the credits of the expendables movie?

The last song that ends the movie (with the last knife-throw to the 'dart-board') was Creedence Clearwater Revival's 'Born on the Bayou'

Who is ariane dart married to?

Robert Dart

What is the birth name of Nat Dart?

Nat Dart's birth name is Nathaniel Neil Dart.

What is the birth name of Richard Dart?

Richard Dart's birth name is Richard Peter Dart.