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Q: What is the differences and simalarities in hurdle jumping races and in cross races the hurdles?
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A 80m hurdle race soon and im scared of falling when jumping over the hurdles also track coach said im good at jumping hurdles but maybe to back out of this race?

If your coach said that you are good at hurdles and you want to participate in the 80m hurdle race, don't back out. If you are good at jumping hurdles and have not fallen before, there is no reason to be scared of fallen while participating in the race.

How many hurdles are in a standard hurdles race?

In the Womens' 100 Meter Hurdle Race and the Men's 110 Meter Hurdle Race, there are 10 hurdles. In the 300 Meter Hurdle Run, there are 8 hurdles. In the 400 Meter Hurdle Run, there are 10 hurdles.

There is a 80m hurdle race soon and im are scared of falling when jumping over the hurdles also track coach said im are good at jumping hurdles but back out of this race?

You need to make your own decision on running the 80m hurdle race. It might be best to face your fear of falling when jumping over the hurdles. Your track coach sees your potential. I wouldn't back out of the race. Try something new!

How many hurdles would you jump in a 400 meter hurdle race?

There are ten hurdles in 100m, 110m and 400m hurdles races.

What is the height of a hurdle for the 110m womens hurdle?

Women run 100m hurdles, men run 110m hurdles. The height of a hurdle in the women's 100mH is 33 inches (83.8cm).

How many hurdles in a mens 400m hurdle race?

Ten. The first hurdle is 45 meters from the start. The following nine hurdles are evenly spaced, 35 meters apart, and there is 40 meters from the last hurdle to the finish line.

How many hurdles are there in the 400mH?

In the 400 meter hurdle, there are 10 hurdles. Each hurdle is 30" tall with 35m between them. There is a 45m distance before the first hurdle and a 40m distance to the finish line from the last hurdle.

How far apart are the hurdles in the 300 meter hurdle race?

The distance between 300 Hurdles (or 400 Hurdles) is 35 meters. The distance to the first hurdle (in high school races) is 45 meters and 10 meters from the last (8th) hurdle to the finish line. This is exactly the same as the first 300 meters of a 400 Hurdle race, though the relative position on the track is moved to finish at the common finish line. All the distances on hurdle spacing are available at:

How many hurdles are in the 110m hurdles?

In Olympic competition, 10 hurdles are set on the track at intervals of 9.14 meters.

How can you win in pet society?

You can't win on it. If your talking about he stadium racing can click on the banana peels instead of jumping because jumping makes you slower....on the hurdles you can start jumping at the time when you are on the legs of the hurdle. ?? Haha that didnt make sense

How far are the hurdles apart in 400 meter hurdles in high school?

In high school, the 400m hurdles race becomes the 300m hurdles, although some high school hurdlers also compete at the 400m level. Here are the distances for both: 300m hurdles: To first hurdle:45m; 147' 9" In between hurdles: 35m; 114' 9" Last hurdle to finish line:10m; 32' 10" 400m hurdles: To first hurdle:45m; 147' 9" In between hurdles: 35m; 114' 9" Last hurdle to finish line:40m; 131' 3"

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