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Being a professional figure skater could be hard for many people because it requires very long hours of practice. A person would have to get up very early to go to practice where they would exercise first, then spend many hours going over routines and different steps in the figure skating. They would also have to travel a lot to attend competitions.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of being a professional figure skater?
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You do not need to be fit to be a figure skater but it would help. Being a figure skater takes a lot of work and if you don't start off fit and you keep with the sport you will need to become fit!

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Michelle Kwan is known for being a figure skater.

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Well being a figure skater myself it is a good exersizing sport... Its fun and you can lose weight too.... But in time you do gain more muscles especially in the legs!

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I would guess the times when your trying to have peace and there are mobs of fans after you but there many other disadvantages being sick when you have to preform. i guess the worst one is no privacy.

What is the object figure skating?

The object is having fun and making something inspirational out of yourself. You might not feel the strong feeling I feel when I skate, but everybody can do it. I am only nine years old and I have a dream of being a figure skater. The object is faith, confidence and lots of fun.

Should someone be scene or skater?

Whether someone should be considered "scene" or a "skater" depends on what the person is into. If the person likes to skate, he/she would probably lean more towards being a skater.

Disadvantages of being a musician?

There is no such thing as disadvantages for being a musician.

How do you know if a skater haircut is good on you?

I asked myself the same question but i think i know the answer... you need to picture yourself in that haircut.. is it you or are you just being a poser? AVOID BEING CALLED A POSER!! NO ONE likes a poser! if its not you.. then maybe you need to work on being a skater slowly and when the time is right know one will evn notice the fabulous haircut! but just remember.. you cant be a skater and get skater hair ovr the summer!