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soccer was originated in England in the 11th century.

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Q: Where was soccer was originated?
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What city was soccer originated?

soccer was originated in England as a olympic as the Greeks

When do soccer arrive in England?

Soccer originated in England.

Where did soccer origniate from?

Modern soccer originated from England.

Where did soccer origenate?

Soccer originated in England (U.K)

Where does soccer originated?


Where did soccer orignate?

most sports such as soccer originated in England

Where did soccer ogrinate?

Soccer originated in England in the early 19th

Were did soccer originate?

some games that are simalar to soccer has been played in roman times but then it fully originated in england.

Where did soccer a popular game originate?

Football or Soccer originated in England.

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What country was soccer originated?


Was soccer originated in Europe?

Football/ Soccer was invented in England, which is part of Europe.