

Best Answer

Football or Soccer originated in England.

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Q: Where did soccer a popular game originate?
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Is cricket the most popular game in the world?

no,the most popular game in the world is soccer.

Where did soccer originate in Italy?

Roman Italy invented the game we now call soccer or football.

Is soccer better then touch?

Yes soccer is the best game and most popular.

What game is the national game of Spain?

Spain does not have an official national game. Soccer is the most popular sport.

What is the most popular game in Mexico?

soccer and football

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Is soccer poular in Mexico?

soccer is the most popular game in the world so its popular in Mexico but not as much as in engliand,Brazil etc

Does Italy have a lot of soccer fans?

Soccer is very popular in Italy and there are many fans of the game

What is the most popular game in Bulgaria?

Football (a.k.a soccer)

Which is the popular game in the world?

Football (Soccer if you're American)

Is soccer the world's most popular game?

yup it is!! =) =0

Why was soccer France's most popular game?

Because it is the most well played game.