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Q: What do national sport say about a country?
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How do you say national sport in french?

you say it "un sport national".

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Vanuatu is the only country in Oceania that calls soccer it's national sport

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What is Saskatchewan's national sport?

Hockey Quebec doesn't have a national sport, mainly because its not a country. P.S it is a province in Canada which has a national sport of Lacrosse not hockey.

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Taekwondo is considered a form of karate and is the national sport of South Korea.

What type of sport is baseball known as?

In the United States, baseball is known as a national pastime and is the national sport of the country.

In what country is wrestling the national sport?

Japan and the USA

What is Indias national sport?

India has no official national sport according to the ministry of sports. However, as noted by Wikipedia, the de facto (unofficial) national sport is Field Hockey.

What country considers Lacrosse its National Game?

I believe lacrosse is the national sport of Canada.

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National sport of Burkina Faso is "Football". Country also ranked in 42nd position in FIFA world Ranking.

Hockey is the national sport of what country?

Canada - Correction - LACROSSE is Canada's national sport, NOT hockey. (Much like in Brasil their national sport is CAPOEIRA not soccer). Addendum: I have since learned that I need to modify this answer a bit - Lacrosse is Canada's national FAIR WEATHER sport, and Hockey is Canada's national WINTER sport! Please pardon my original mistake!

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