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Russia broke out into the Russian Civil War, which pitted the Bolshevik Red Army against the Tsarist/monarchist/anti Bolshevik White Army forces. The war lasted from 1918 to 1921, but some histories say it lasted till 1923 when the very last of the fighting stopped.

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15y ago

Russia was in the hands of a Bolshevik leader who was seen as a dictator who used terror tactics- he used the red army and CHEKA to destroy opposition, he took the land from the upper classes - aristocracy merchants etc. and gave it to the peasants. also under Lenin the USSR was developed. I hope this helpd!

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11y ago

Established a Communist government and pulled out of the war.

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Q: What happened in Russia after Lenin gained control?
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After the assassination of the czar of Russia and his family who gained control?

Vladimir Lenin.

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Lenin and the Bolshevik Party

What happened after the government was overthrown in Russia?

Lenin took control making the Communist party.

What happened to control of Russia after the death of Lenin?

Control of Russia passed to Joseph Stalin, Lev Kamenev and Gregory Zinoviev acting together. Gradually, Stalin ousted the others and took complete control by 1929.

How does Lenin justify his control of Russia?

He didn't.

What happened after lenin was returned to russia?

After Lenin was returned to Russia he played a role in orchestrating the October Revolution. He returned to Russia in 1917 after the Tsar was ousted.

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The Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin won control of Russia.

What happened in russia in 1918?

The Russian Empire fell and Vladamir Lenin took control of it which lead to the birth of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic.

When Lenin took control what promises did he make?

Lenin promised to get Russia out of World War 1

What was Lenin's first act when he took control of the government?

Abolishing private property was Lenin's first act on taking control in Russia.

Who did Lenin remove from control of Russia's government when he came to power?

Lenin ousted Alexander Kerensky, head of Russia's Provisional Government, which had replaced Tsar Nicholas II. Lenin did not overthrow the Tsar.

Which leader had complete control over Russia at one point?
