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I feel better after morning jogg of about 2 Km, and feel frash though out the day but i don't know that medical point of view it is recommended or not. Doctor may help in this regard

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Q: Will walking jogging help to reduce uric acid?
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Is walking as healthy as jogging?

Walking is still healthy however jogging will help you lose weight faster as well as increase your fitness to a greater extent in the long run. This is due to the fact that you are burning more calories when jogging then walking.

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Honey and lemon juice with light hot water after jogging help to reduce fat?

It is a fact that honey and lemon juice with light hot water after jogging will help reduce fat. Make sure you do not boil the honey just put it in warm water.

Can lemon reduce uric acid?

Yes, lemon help to reduce uric acid contnent in the body.

Does dancing help reduce fat as fast as jogging and walking would?

I have absolutely no medical knowledge to back up this answer but I will safely say that dancing is one of the best cardio workouts ever. You never see fat dancers. When I went to clubs as a young man I could drink all night because I stayed on the dance floor and burned the alcohol off as fast as I drank it. I also never acquired the proverbial beer gut.So to answer your question yes dancing will help reduce fat as fast if not faster than jogging and walking. It is also a lot more fun.

Cucumber reduce uric acid?

Yes, cucumbers are a food that will help reduce uric acid in the body. When a person has to much uric acid they can get gout.

Which will be better exercise walking after dinner or walking before dinner to reduce tummy?

1. walking wont help reduce tummy. 2. if you want to lose your tummy then dont eat dinner. 3. if you really think that walking can reduce tummy, then do it before and after dinner.

Does walking help your cardiovascular workout?

Brisk walking certainly does. Done properly, it is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise. It is sustainable long term and easier on your body than running or jogging.

Dose walking in the morning help you to lose weight?

yes walking in the morning will help you to lose weight jogging will be even better make sure you jog/walk for 30 min or more and you should start to feel a difference

How can you reduce emissions?

We can reduce emissions by recycling waht we can and walking, cycling or taking public transport! HELP SAVE OUR WORLD!

A sentence using the word calorie?

I burned a lot of calories during my intense workout at the gym.

Does walking help reduce inner thigh fat?

Walking can help reduce overall body fat, including fat in the inner thigh area. However, spot reduction is not possible, so it's important to combine walking with a balanced diet and other forms of exercise for best results.