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Yes... Its not the weight but the force of gravity

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Q: Will a16 lb bowling ball and a 10 lb bowling ball dropped together reach the ground together?
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Imagine an experiment in which a 16lb bowling ball and a 10lb bowling ball are dropped from the fifth floor at the same time The heavier ball will reach the ground first?

No. They will hit the ground at the same time. The inertia for the heavier ball will be greater, but the acceleration for both will be the same, and both would (if the air resistance is the same for both) hit at the same time.

Feather a tennis ball and a bowling ball are dropped from a high tower on the moon's surface Which object hits the ground first?

Because the earth is bigger than both so they get pulled down with gravity at the same time

Will a bowling ball or a golf ball hit the ground first the same speed?

a golf ball obviously...

When You Drop An Object From A Certain Height It Takes Time T To Reach The Ground With No Air Resistance. If You Dropped It From Three Times That Height How Long Would It Take To Reach The Ground?

When an object is dropped from a certain height, the time it takes to reach the ground is independent of the height (assuming no air resistance). Therefore, whether you drop the object from three times the initial height or the original height, it will still take the same time (T) to reach the ground.

Which will fall first in vacuum paper or stone?

Depends on which one is dropped first. If they are both dropped at the same time, they will both reach the ground at the same time.

Will a bowling ball or golf ball hit the ground first?

The bowling ball will hit the ground first because it has more mass than the golf ball, so it experiences a greater force of gravity pulling it downward. This causes the bowling ball to accelerate more quickly than the golf ball, making it reach the ground sooner.

Which will hit the ground first a ball thrown horizontally at 2 meters per second off a building 20 m high or a ball dropped by a hand at the same height?

They should reach the ground together, since their initial vertical speed is the same, namely zero.

A bowling ball and a bag of potato chips are dropped at the same time from a tall tower on Earth. What happens?

The Bowling ball will hit the ground fist not because it has more mass but because it is less affected by wind resistance [resistance to its movement through the air] If the effect of wind resistance where [somehow] negated they would hit the ground at the same time. [The bag of potato chips: Open or closed? Assumed closed for this answer]

Would feather and a nail reach the ground at the same time?

No, a feather and a nail would not reach the ground at the same time if dropped at the same height in a vacuum. This is because the feather experiences more air resistance, slowing its fall compared to the nail which falls faster due to its higher mass.

What would be the change for a 10 gram object dropped from a 20 meter building if it takes 2 seconds to reach the ground?

There is no reason for the object to change.

Will two free balls bodies wit different weights reach ground together?


How long will it take an object dropped off the Leaning Tower of Pisa to reach the ground?

It depends plus, you can't go to the top of the leaning tower of Pisa.