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a Golf ball obviously...

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They reach the ground at the same time.

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Q: Will a bowling ball or a golf ball hit the ground first the same speed?
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If a bowling ball and a soccer ball are rolling along the ground at the same speed the bowling ball has more of this because its mass is greater?

The bowling ball has more momentum because momentum is directly proportional to an object's mass and velocity. Since the two balls are moving at the same speed, the greater mass of the bowling ball results in it having more momentum.

Will a bowling ball or golf ball hit the ground first?

The bowling ball will hit the ground first because it has more mass than the golf ball, so it experiences a greater force of gravity pulling it downward. This causes the bowling ball to accelerate more quickly than the golf ball, making it reach the ground sooner.

What will hit the ground first a bowling ball or an apple?

Assuming both were dropped from the same height above ground, in a vacuum both would hit the ground at the same time. In a significant atmosphere (e.g. average ground-level on Earch) the bowling ball would hit the ground first.

Why are bowling balls heavy?

So the ball can pick up more speed. For example, if you drop a feather on the ground, it takes a longer time to fall than a heavier object, such as a notepad. A bowling ball is heavier to gain speed faster.

Will a car or a bowling ball hit the ground first?

Both the car and the bowling ball will hit the ground at the same time, assuming they are dropped from the same height in a vacuum. This is because all objects fall at the same rate of acceleration due to gravity, regardless of their mass.

Compare the speed of a moving golf ball with the speed of a moving bowling ball if both balls have the same amount of momentum?

If both balls have the same momentum, then the speed of the golf ball will be faster compared to the speed of the bowling ball. This is because the golf ball has less mass than the bowling ball, so it needs to move at a higher speed to have the same momentum.

When Rae dropped a bowling ball from a height of 8 meters At which distance above the ground was the ball most likely moving at the greatest speed?

Still accelerating til it hits earth. ====================================== The height from which she dropped the ball is irrelevant. In any case, the ball was most likely moving at the greatest speed just as it hit the ground. The answer to the question is: zero.

If a golf ball and a bowling ball are rolled toward each other when they collide and the bowling ball stops how does the golf balls speed compare with the bowling balls speed?

the golf ball stopped but the bowling ball keep rolling due to their different size and we know bowling ball is bigger in size as well as weight so it will face more fictin force and stops early as compare to golf ball when they collide and at the same time bowling ball poshes the golf ball the golf ball stops and the golf ball keeps rolling.

What will hit the ground first bowling ball or golf ball?

They will fall at the same rate, for more information Google "why was the leaning tower of Pisa built"

Bowling ball and Apple dropped from same heigtht?

If you drop an apple from your right hand and a bowling ball from your left off the roof of the bowling alley, they will hit the parking lot at the same time.

Rae dropped a bowling ball from a height of 8 meters. At which distance above the ground was the ball MOST likely moving at the greatest speed?

Still accelerating til it hits earth. ====================================== The height from which she dropped the ball is irrelevant. In any case, the ball was most likely moving at the greatest speed just as it hit the ground. The answer to the question is: zero.

What makes a bowling ball harder to stop than a soccer ball when they are both traveling at the same speed?

The bowling ball is harder to stop because it has a greater mass, and therefore a greater momentum. But the answer is that the bowling ball has a greater mass.