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Q: Why will a table tennis player need good co-ordination?
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Related questions

Where can one find a good table tennis conversion top?

One can find a good table tennis conversion top at ones local sports store. Good table tennis conversion tops can also be found by shopping online at online sports stores.

Why are the Japanese so good in table tennis?


What is a website that sells table tennis equipment?

There is a website where table tennis equipment can be bought at Here, they offer some replacement nets for table tennis nets that have been lost at good prices.

What is the size and shape of table tennis racket?

Good question! It all depends on the size of the player to be honest. I knew of one player called 'Big Jon McMad, who due to his enourmous hand size, used a table tennis bat that measured 6ft across and was the shape of a small bear!

Why is tennis good exercise?

You are moving around and getting active just like any sport

When to play table tennis?

table tennis is a good winter sport but can be played in the summer. The season starts in September and finishes in April/may.

What is the cost of a good quality table tennis table?

$2-$800. Depends on the taxes.

What is the price range for a good table tennis top?

The price for good table tennis tops ranges between 300 and 1000 dollars. For beginners a 200 dollar table would be good enough. The Stiga Elite Roller Table can be purchased for 700 dollars and has very good quality.

In table tennis is it a good return if ball is hit buy the side of the recket?

Yes. Rule 2.05.07 states that... "A player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist." This means that all of the following are legal and will constitute a good return. You can hit the ball with ... * the rubber on your table tennis racket, or * the edge of your table tennis racket, or * the handle of your table tennis racket, or * any part of your racket hand below the wrist, including the fingers of your racket hand

Why is china so good at table tennis?

go to this link-

What can you do to be the best football player?

have good hand coordination

Is Roger Federer a good tennis player?

Yes, he is very good. Many consider him the best tennis player of all time.