Just on top of my head, because the shuttle cock is made from feathers of birds.
1) You are required to use a badmitton raquet and a birdie 2) This game requires at least 2 players 3) During the game, the players hit the birdie back and forth with their raquets until one person misses it and falls on the ground.
In golf, it is a birdie. In badminton, the birdie is officially called a "shuttlecock".
I know it sounds funny, but it is called a shuttlecock!
A Birdie ka ka ka ka like a birdie...birdie
Well it is a 2 and it would be called a birdie.
another word for badminton birdie is called a "shuttlecock"
A birdie.
There is nothing called a "birdie" in bowling. There is however a "turkey" which is to bowl three consecutive strikes in a game.
Birdie Birdie, sitting on my shelf, Birdie Birdie, falling off my shelf, Birdie Birdie hitting the floor, Birdie Birdie is no more
A birdie is a golf score. Each hole has a par score. If you do it in one less it is called a birdie.