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so you don't hurt ur arm

Also it improves speed and range of motion, allowing for a longer duration of acceleration thus a faster initial speed of the shot put.

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Q: Why do you need flexibility with shot put?
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Why does hockey need flexibility?

Flexibility is important to a hockey stick as it provides an extra flick to the puck when taking a slap shot or snap shot which further provides more speed.

How is flexibility used in football?

flexibility is used in football because you need to dive for the ball to save a shot

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Is shot put expensive?

Put a shot in the put & mix it on ep!

Is golf a flexibility exercise?

No, golf does not need flexibility. More on your arm's strength.

What does flexibility have to do with gymastics?

Flexibility has to do with gymnastics a great deal for example a front walkover you need back flexibility and leg flexibility just for one simple skill.

Can you put a shot in a fruit or vegetable and eat it to be healthy?

if you put a shot in a fruit or vegetable and it will you have to get a shot

Who won the shot put in Beijing games?

Men's Shot Put: Tomasz Majewski Women's Shot Put: Valerie Vili

How heavy is shot put for boys aged 15?

The sport is called the "Shot Put". The shot is 'put' as far from the contestant as possible. So the question is, "How heavy is the shot in the 'shot put event' for boys aged 15?" The answer is 12 pounds.

How do you write shot put distance?

like this "shot put distance"

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How do you dance worser?

Well it all depends on your technique and flexibility. When you put them together into a routine you need to present yourself as a dancer which is basically how you evaluate a dancer.