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Q: Why do you need cardiovasular endurance in tennis?
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What fitness components must you have for tennis?

Speed, Endurance and Strength are important for tennis.

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What fitness components do you need when cycling?

It depends. For short distance cycling you would need Muscular strength, power, reaction times, speed, balance and co-ordination. However, for long distance cycling you would need Muscular endurance, balance, co-ordination and cardiovasular endurance.

What exercise is swimming bicycling and tennis?

I believe they are called vigorous exercise.

What are some example of muscular endurance?

weight lifting arm Wrestling cycling tennis skiing

What are some sports that require mucular endurance?

any running, football, basketball, baseball, etc. tennis

What type of exercises are swimming bicycle walking briskly and tennis?

I believe they are called vigorous exercise.

What fitness components are important in badminton?

· Cardio respiratory endurance · Muscular endurance · Strength flexibility · Power · Speed · Agility · Reaction Time · Coordination · Balance

What are some muscular endurance exercises?

Basic exercises like running, push ups pull ups and squats are great way to improve muscle endurance. Exercises with weights can improve your endurance to a greater lever if a proper periodized routine is followed.

What activities use lots muscular endurance?

basket ball netball fooball and hourse riding and rugby tennis

What aerobic endurance do you need for dancing?

you need aerobic endurance for cardio to be able to dance and have a more structured dance move

Why do cross country runners need cardiovascular endurance?

Tennis players require muscular endurance because they are usually involved in physical activity that can last for hours. They need to have endurance of the shoulder and arm to stabilize the shoulder and generate forces to hit shots.