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Q: Why a golf ball that is hit on the moon travels much farther than a golf ball that is hit with same force on earth?
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Does the size and weight have affect on how far it travels when you kick a soccer ball?

the size does have something to do with the distance a soccer ball can travel.the bigger the ball, the more scoop you can get when you kick the ball. also, the more pumped a soccer ball is, the more force will be needed to kick it farther.

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the hard ball, because it maintains its aerodynamic shape more easily than a soft-ball.

When a ball is dropped it is easy to see that earth exerts a force on it Why cant you tell that the ball exerts a force on earth?

While the ball does exert a force on Earth according to Newton's third law of motion, the force exerted by the ball on Earth is much smaller compared to the force exerted by Earth on the ball due to Earth's much larger mass. This makes the effect of the ball's force on Earth negligible in comparison.

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ping pong ball the holes in a ball with holes(whiffle ball) slow it down.

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a hot softball travels faster. (Not considering your hand's reaction to the ball)

Will a heavier ball or a lighter ball launch farther in a catapult?

A lighter ball will generally launch farther in a catapult because it requires less force to accelerate and propel. A heavier ball would require more force to launch and would not travel as far due to the increased mass.

Why does a spiral travel further than a whobby ball?

A spiral travels farther because it doesn't have an unbalanced weight.

Why do wheelchair basketball have a lighter ball?

Because people on wheelchair's can't use force of their legs to push ball farther.

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The contact force will keep the ball moving but as the ball goes farther the ball slows down that's were the non contact force comes in it makes the ball not in contact

Would you be able to hit a golf ball farther on earth or Pluto?

You would hit a golf ball farther on Earth due to its stronger gravitational pull compared to Pluto's weaker gravity. This means the ball would stay in the air longer on Earth and travel a greater distance before landing.

Earth exerts an unbalanced force on a ball thrown into the air True or false?

True. When a ball is thrown into the air, Earth's gravitational force causes the ball to accelerate downward, creating an unbalanced force.

What force does Earth exerts on a ball thrown into the air?

The force exerted by Earth on a ball thrown into the air is the force of gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. As the ball goes up, gravity acts to bring it back down towards the Earth's surface.