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ping pong ball the holes in a ball with holes(whiffle ball) slow it down.

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Q: What travels farther a ping pong ball or a plastic ball with holes that is the same size?
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Why would a ping pong ball go farther with holes in it then with no holes?

The holes reduce the air resistance acting on the ball by allowing air to flow through them. This decreases the drag force on the ball, enabling it to travel farther than a ball without holes.

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the hard ball, because it maintains its aerodynamic shape more easily than a soft-ball.

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a hot softball travels faster. (Not considering your hand's reaction to the ball)

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The Floor-ball is composed of plastic and has holes constructed throughout the entire structure of it. The official ball is 72mm in diameter.

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A spiral travels farther because it doesn't have an unbalanced weight.

What is whiffling?

It is a type of plastic ball. A "Whiffleball" has circular holes all over the circumference of the ball. Whereas a "Wiffleball" has eight holes placed equally on one side of the ball, allwing it to travel much further then a "Whiffleball".

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Aluminum because you can stuff it with newspaper and marbles.

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the size does have something to do with the distance a soccer ball can travel.the bigger the ball, the more scoop you can get when you kick the ball. also, the more pumped a soccer ball is, the more force will be needed to kick it farther.

Does aball roll farther on grass dirt or concrete?

A ball will typically roll farther on concrete compared to grass or dirt. Concrete offers a smoother and more level surface with less resistance, allowing the ball to maintain its momentum better. Grass and dirt surfaces may have uneven terrain and more friction, reducing the distance the ball travels.

How does higher altitude affect golf club yardage?

As at higher altitudes the density of air decreases, which means that air is thinner. As a result golf ball travels farther at a higher altitude because of decreased drag on the ball.

What goes farther a flat ball or a hard ball?

A hard ball typically travels farther than a flat ball when thrown because its shape enables it to maintain momentum and travel through the air efficiently. The flat ball encounters more air resistance, causing it to lose speed and distance quickly.

What is a low track in a bowling lane mean?

A low track usually refers to the oil track on your bowling ball. The closer the track is to your finger holes, the HIGHER the track. The farther away the track is to your finger holes the LOWER the track.