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the hard ball, because it maintains its aerodynamic shape more easily than a soft-ball.

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Q: What ball travels farther a hard ball or low impact ball and why?
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What goes farther a flat ball or a hard ball?

A hard ball typically travels farther than a flat ball when thrown because its shape enables it to maintain momentum and travel through the air efficiently. The flat ball encounters more air resistance, causing it to lose speed and distance quickly.

Does a baseball go farther when hitby a wood or metal bat?

it depends on how hard the ball is it if you hit hard with both meta and wood wood goes farther

Does freezing a softball make it go farther?

Yes it does. Will a hard compression ball go farther than a softer one? The harder the ball the farther it will travel.

Will the pressure in a soccer ball affect the distance it travels when kicked?

Yes, it depends how hard or soft you kick the soccer ball

When hit by a boy with a bat wich goes father softball or baseball?

It depends on which bat you use. If you use a softball bat, a baseball will go farther. If you use a baseball bat, a baseball will also go farther. Baseballs are generally considered a "live" ball. It's hot off the bat. This is why major leaguers use wood bats. The "dead"-ness of their bats slow the ball down a little. So A Softball is generally considered a "dead" ball. Softball players use bats that are "hot." In order to increase the speed of the ball off the bat. So when you pair a hot bat with a hot ball, (a baseball and softball bat) it will damage your bat (and is not recommended to try), but it will go farther. Also, a softball is larger. Based on the laws of aerodynamics, a baseball picks up less wind-resistance, and thus travels at a faster rate and farther on the fly. Therefore, a baseball will travel farther. Think of the proportions of a field. Baseball fields are larger because of how far and hard the ball travels through the air. Softball fields are smaller because the softballs are bigger and travel more difficultly through the air. It depends on which bat you use. If you use a softball bat, a baseball will go farther. If you use a baseball bat, a baseball will also go farther. Baseballs are generally considered a "live" ball. It's hot off the bat. This is why major leaguers use wood bats. The "dead"-ness of their bats slow the ball down a little. So A Softball is generally considered a "dead" ball. Softball players use bats that are "hot." In order to increase the speed of the ball off the bat. So when you pair a hot bat with a hot ball, (a baseball and softball bat) it will damage your bat (and is not recommended to try), but it will go farther. Also, a softball is larger. Based on the laws of aerodynamics, a baseball picks up less wind-resistance, and thus travels at a faster rate and farther on the fly. Therefore, a baseball will travel farther. Think of the proportions of a field. Baseball fields are larger because of how far and hard the ball travels through the air. Softball fields are smaller because the softballs are bigger and travel more difficultly through the air.

Why does a ball roll farther on dirt than grass?

The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on grass and the grass is sometimes standing up and the dirt doesn't have any thing to stop the ball the dirt is is flat unlike the grass.

Why does a ball farther on grass than dirt?

The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on grass and the grass is sometimes standing up and the dirt doesn't have any thing to stop the ball the dirt is is flat unlike the grass.

Will a smaller or bigger football go further?

That depends how hard you kick them. If you kick them normally, than a smaller ball. If you kick them really hard, the bigger soccer ball would go further because the forces take longer time to slow down a heavier item.

If you hit a baseball or tennis ball will go further?

Because a baseball is smaller you could hit it farther. This is because with less surface area, there is less friction action on the ball. With less friction acting on the ball, it means less "stuff" is holding the ball back from traveling farther, the baseball can physical travel farther than a softball.

Which baseball would travel farthest in the shortest amount of time a squshy baseball or a hard baseball?

if one person through one of each ball and he was a full grown man the hard ball would go farther. most likeley because its heavier and will cut through the air easier

What can make a baseball go further?

a rubber ball will most likely go further......depends on the mass of the ball!

How much farther can you throw a ball on the moon compared to earth?

You can throw a ball much farther on the moon compared to Earth due to its weaker gravity, which is about one-sixth the strength of Earth's gravity. This means that objects on the moon experience less gravitational pull, allowing them to travel further when thrown.