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Q: Which is harder soccer or golf?
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Are you allowed to play soccer on a golf course?

Most likely not. Golf courses are for golf, and soccer fields are for soccer.

What is harder soccer or futsal?

Harder soccer is a fast paced and intense kind of soccer. People tackle harder and there are less restrictions from the referee.

What takes more athleticism golf or soccer?

Soccer, by far

What sport does Alberta play?

golf soccer baseball

What is Niall Horan's favourite sport?

Football (Soccer)

What are ten easy sports to learn?

golf, soccer, croquet, curling, soccer, baseball, basketball,, soccer, soccer, and soccer

Why do people us a soccer ball for soccer?

Just the reason they use a basketball in basketball or a golf ball in Golf. To give uniformity to the game.

Name a sport that does not have the word ball in it?

Soccer, tennis, hockey, golf

Which one would compress more golf ball or a soccer ball?

Soccer ball

Does soccer makes you kick harder?


Is netball a harder game to learn then soccer?


Where does golf rank amongst most popular sports?

in Mexico golf is popular there...liar its soccer