

What takes more athleticism golf or soccer?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Soccer, by far

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Q: What takes more athleticism golf or soccer?
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Sorry that's more of an opinion

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No would consider it more of an art then a sport, although Im sure it takes a bit of athleticism --- And personally I agree that it is an art, but it certainly does involve 'athleticism'. :)

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Soccer ball

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What did the soccer ball do?

it helps people get hurt and helps people win gamesAnswerThe development of modern 'rubber bladder' inflatable soccer ball first introduced in the 19th centaury allowed soccer to become a more technical game compared to the pigs bladder inflated leather balls previously use from medieval times.

Which sport is better soccer or golf?

This is my own personal opinion: As a soccer player, I think that its much better then golf. Golf has always been a boring sport to me because there really isn't any action.

How much do you need to exercise for golf?

Yes because after you walk 18 or more holes you will feel soreness in your legs.

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baseball, football, basketball, golf, soccer, and more

Do golf balls fly farther at higher elevation?

well yes a soccer ball with more air will go further than a soccer ball with no air

Is golf played by more people than anyother sport?

Yes. Soccer is the most popular spectator sport but golf is the most played sport by people of all ages.

Is football more played than soccer?

Football has more participants than any other sport on earth. Soccer is a nickname for football.