any sporting goods store. dick's sporting goods... big 5... sports authority...
No they are not available. I would suggest buying a pair of cheap track spikes. A good place to buy track spikes is You might even be able to find a coupon.
Yes, Cleatskins makes Trackskins to protect track spikes.
There is different types of surfaces for different spikes: track for track spikes cross country for cross country spikes
Nike track spikes are available at many locations online. A few of the available websites that carry Nike track spikes are, and
When you run track a pair of spikes have to be worn.
In my opinion i would use spikes because they have better traction on tracks and gives you an edge because the are lightweight and in the rain it would help you. But make sure the spikes are water proof. Running Flats may slip on the ground so it is better to use spikes.
you can buy spikes from many sporting stores like insport.
Yes, you will need different track shoes and cleats/spikes for different events. The number of spikes, the pattern of spikes and the length of the spikes differs for sprinters, long distance runners and jumpers. If spikes are not used for running the shoes are still different. And throwing shoes do not have spikes and have a smooth sole.
it depends on the shoe...track spikes cannot.
it helps you very well because when you are running you are tyring to stay ahead of everybody so you will win so while you run the spikes grab more ground as you run so you can keep a good pace. Also when the track is wet you can't holly run on the track because the ground is to slippery so the track spikes will help you through wet weather.
Track spikes do not have a lot of support for your feet. Some have better support than others. For example, sprinter spikes do not have a heel or an arch. Distance spikes have some cushion for the heel. Overall, it is bad to run in spikes but you can still do it. Some work better than others though. It would be a better idea to run in distance spikes than sprinter spikes.
yes, they do.