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Cricket was invented in England in 16th century.

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Q: Place where the game of cricket was invented?
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How cricket invented?

cricket was invented when they played a game with a stick and a ball then stumps

Who invented the game cricket?


When was the game of cricket invented?

Game of cricket has been started in the year of 16th century and from 1844 various international cricket matches were played and in 1877 official history of international test cricket begin.

What is the game that you cut wood to get a ball in a place?

I think that game is called Cricket.

Is the Cricket invented in Australia?

No, the cricket was invented in England.

Which country is known as home of cricket?

England, the game was invented there, but unfortunately like most of the sports they invented they aren't very good at it.

Who invented women's cricket?

No one knows exactly who invented cricket. In 1301, Prince Edward played a game of 'creag' which some people think was an early form of cricket. Other people believe the game was invented in the Netherlands during the 13th, 14th or 15th century. The earliest written reference to 'cricket' is in a 1598 court case which noted that some boys were playing a game of 'creckett'. Most historians believe the game was originally played by children. By the early 1600′s adults starting playing the game.

Which country invented tennis?

Tennis originated from a 12th century French game called pimple's; it was a court game where the ball was struck with the hand.

What was invented in 1822 comes from ashes and never been set on fire?

The cricket game the ashes

Who invented the modern style of Cricket?

Indian penguins invented cricket in 1526AD.

Who invited cricket?

Unfortunately, no one knows exactly who invented cricket. In 1301, Prince Edward played a game of 'creag' which some people think was an early form of cricket. Other people believe the game was invented in the Netherlands during the 13th, 14th or 15th century. The earliest written reference to 'cricket' is in a 1598 court case which noted that some boys were playing a game of 'creckett'. Most historians believe the game was originally played by children. By the early 1600′s adults starting playing the game.

Can you play cricket in south India?

Hi, If you have a Cricket Bat, Ball & Place to play the game safely (not hurting others), you can play this game anywhere Hope this helps