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Q: What term is used to describe knocking down all the pins in two turns?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a strike and spare?

The different between a strike and a spare is the number of shots used in knocking all 10 pins down. A strike is knocking all 10 pins down in one shot. A spare is knocking all 10 pins down in two shots.

How do you score a strike?

By knocking down all ten pins By knocking down all ten pins with the first ball in a given frame.

Why is a bowling ball bettter for knocking down pins than a ping pong ball?

The bowling ball is better for knocking down pins because it is larger and alson has a larger mass

What are points called for knocking down all the pins in one frame?


The trem used for knocking down all the pins in one turn?

a strike ( if you knock all the bowling pins down with one " throw " of the bowling ball )

What is the main goal of bowling?

Get the highest score possible, by knocking down as many pins as possible.

What is it called in bowling when you knock down all but 1 pin?

Knocking down all the remaining pins after the second ball in tenpin bowling is termed as a spare.

How do you score a strike in bowling?

If you can knock all the pins down with one ball, that is a strike.

Points for knocking down all pins in one frame in bowling?

If you get strikes in all of the frames in a game, it is called a perfect 300 score

Points for knocking down all pins in one frame?

If you knock down all the pins on your first ball of a frame it is a strike and you would add the pin total for the next 2 balls rolled. If it takes you both balls of a frame to knock down all the pins it is a spare and you would add the pin total for the next ball rolled.

The energy associated with a bowling ball knocking down bowling pins is?

kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. When the bowling ball is released and rolls towards the pins, it carries kinetic energy that is transferred upon impact, causing the pins to move.

What could be knocking in the front suspension of a Subaru Forester xt?

sway bar link pins