If you can knock all the pins down with one ball, that is a strike.
The maximum points you get in a game of ten pin bowling is 300. Only if every single shot is a strike.
A strike is when you strike out
20+the number of pins knocked down on the next throw after the double.
In all games that I am aware: tenpin, duckpin, and candle stick, a perfect score is 300. The only exceptiont that I am aware of is five pin bowling. The perfect score is 450. You get 15 pins for a strike.
Silver Strike Bowling happened in 2004.
Silver Strike Bowling was created in 2004.
Three consecutive strikes in bowling scores 30 points in the frame that the first strike occurred. A score for a strike is 10 plus the next two balls thrown. If a strike is followed by a strike and then an 8 on the first ball of the third frame then the first strike is worth just 28 points.
30 pins is the maximum that can be scored in one frame of bowling. In the first 9 frames, this requires a strike followed by two more strikes.
A turkey is 3 strikes in a row. You can only get a strike on the first ball of the frame. If you knock down all the pins on the 2nd ball of a frame it is a spare not a strike.
The highest possible score is the same as in tenpin bowling. A perfect game would consist of 12 consecutive strikes in the same game = 300 pins.The highest actual score, however, is 279, bowled by Pete Signore Jr. of Connecticut on March 5, 1992. (The record for a woman is 265, set by Carol Gittings of Maryland on May 6, 1973.)
lowest score wins bowling
Scoring is done as normal, however if 9 pins or all pins are knocked down with the first ball, the score is considered a strike for scoring purposes.