In Bowling the term used when knock down all the pins is "Strike".
it tries to knock all the pins down
To knock all the pins down.
a strike ( if you knock all the bowling pins down with one " throw " of the bowling ball )
Strikes and spares are terms used in the game of bowling. A strike is when you knock all of the pins down in one shot. A spare is when you knock all of the pins down in two shots.
If a bowler knocks down all 10 pins on the first delivery, it is called a "strike". If it takes two deliveries to knock all the pins down, it is called a "spare". If there are pins still standing after two deliveries, it is called an "open".
A strike is a thing they called by a umpier in history, a strike would be when someone stops work to get better pay, or shorter hours or to even force an employer to agree to meet some other demand.
There are a number of games directly related to tenpin bowling, including lawn bowling (aka bowls), ninepins, duckpin bowling, candlepin bowling, and five-pin bowling.In terms of using skills similar to bowling (releasing an object forward with an underhand swing, in order to hit a target some distance away) there are horseshoe pitching and curling, as well as the beanbag-based games Cornholeand Toss Across. (You might also include softballpitching and shuffleboard on the list.)
If you did it in one try it's a strike. If you did it in two it's a spare.
a strike is all 10 pins knocked down in one try a spare is all 10 pins knocked down in two consecutive tries in the same frame.
The minimum number of pins you would need to knock down to get a 260 would be 97: nine strikes in a row, followed by a 6-1 in the tenth frame. Obviously, it's not the number of total pins that matter, but the number of strikes in a row; it's possible to knock down the same 97 pins and yet only score a 97 game.