Have you ever heard of a hacksaw??
Bagel slicer.
Please be careful the golfball is the only thing opened.
Yes.There is a possibility.
It could be a reference as to how many boards your ball hooks towards the pocket when approaching the pins. It could also be in reference to the point on the lane at which your ball changes direction and begins to hook. (Break Point)
DO NOT DO THAT!!! that could be very dangerous for the baby's health. The water will break when it's time. If it breaks too early it could be detrimental to the baby.
there is not anyway to illegally break in 9 ball pool!!
Yes, it is possible. If you watch 1000 ways to die, it will show a daredevil swallowing a cue ball but gets stuck in his throat and then dies. By: your FACE!!
After a walk, no. After hitting the ball, no, unless when he "touches" someone he is interfering with a play on a batted ball, in which case he could be called out for interference.
If you have a free ball situation, you pot any ball, then a colour, from there if you clear the table as in red black red black etc, then all the colours, you would have a break of 155. The biggest break possible.
A Home Run probably won't break a bat, because the action of the bat breaking will reduce the distance the ball will fly. A bunt probably won't break a bat, either. But you could break a finger or an ankle in either case. Either one could break a record.
you have to break it and make the 8 ball go in a pocket (at the same time)
injuries can occur however. You could trip, you could bang into someone (accidently I hope), the ball could whack you anything could give you an injury.
yes it is possible.