

How do injuries occur?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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16y ago

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injuries can occur however. You could trip, you could bang into someone (accidently I hope), the ball could whack you anything could give you an injury.

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We, most injuries in a lab occur when chemicals explode or are knocked over. Hope this helps!

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Despite the fact that the treadmill is designed to reduce the risk of any injury, they can still occur. Among the most common are ankle injuries, which often occur when the foot rolls inwards. Other walking or running related injuries can occur, such as shin splints and knee injuries.

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injuries can happen anywhere, it all depends on what you are doing when you injure yourself.

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Acute Injuries

What type of injuries occur suddenly during activity sprained ankle or fractured hand?

Acute Injuries

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Speeding alone does not cause injuries, unless the 'G' forces are excessive. It's stopping suddenly (in a crash) that causes injuries.