Water hazard - yellow stakes, lateral hazard - red stakes and bunkers.
a bunker or a hazard.
Hazard is the area of sand or water between the tee and the hole.
you can go play it. It is in a hazard tho and hazard rules apply
Yes, you are allowed to pull these out of the ground. But you can not pull OB stakes out of the ground.
A bunker or sand trap
This marks the boundary of a water hazard.
Ask Dustin Johnson
Jayne Hazard's birth name is Aristine Jane Hazard.
A red stake means a lateral water hazard.
Trap or hazard
Yellow is a water hazard. Red is a lateral hazard. White is out of bounds. The rules indicate how each of these should be dealt with.
It's posted as a recall item: http://auto-recalls.justia.com/content/04V584000-VOLKSWAGEN-GOLF-2002.html