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Water hazard - yellow stakes, lateral hazard - red stakes and bunkers.

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Q: What is the name of a golf hazard?
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What is another name name for a sand trap in golf?

a bunker or a hazard.

What is the golf term hazard mean?

Hazard is the area of sand or water between the tee and the hole.

What is the ruling when a golf ball is hit into a dried up lake?

you can go play it. It is in a hazard tho and hazard rules apply

Can you pull a hazard stake out when your golf ball is in the hazard?

Yes, you are allowed to pull these out of the ground. But you can not pull OB stakes out of the ground.

The sandy hole hazard in golf is called?

A bunker or sand trap

What the yellow stick in golf meant?

This marks the boundary of a water hazard.

What does grounding your golf club in a hazard mean?

Ask Dustin Johnson

What is the birth name of Jayne Hazard?

Jayne Hazard's birth name is Aristine Jane Hazard.

What does red signify on a golf course?

A red stake means a lateral water hazard.

In golf what is the American term for a bunker?

Trap or hazard

What do the colored stakes on golf course mean?

Yellow is a water hazard. Red is a lateral hazard. White is out of bounds. The rules indicate how each of these should be dealt with.

How do you replace the emergency hazard switch on a 2002 Golf?

It's posted as a recall item: