It's like a cartwheel, but you land facing the way you came from, with both feet together.
a round off! you just jump into a cartwheel and join your legs midway! {at the top} ;)
Depending on your gym, three or four.
to get you ready for the higher skills. you can't to a round off with out being able to do a cartwheel.
you learn all different things. my favorite is round off backhand spring
It depends on what level you are on. On level one you have to be able to do a cartwheel, round off, and other basic things like that.
You should do tumbling. Gymnastics is very focused on skill progression. If you do not have a perfect back walk over you will not be starting on a bhs
power gymnastics would be fast tumbling or for example like a round off back tuck or a whip back. where as graceful tumbling or slow tumbling is standing tricks for example like front walkover or cartwheel.
Forward roll round off backward roll cartwheel stradle jump step kick pib-it turn. Finish
my biggest acheivment iswhen i went to gymnastics and did an round off/ flip when i was 8 though i am not famous yet. by Abigail spinks from Birmingham age 10
Yes. Some people only have their round of back-handspring and can't do a standing back-handspring. It doesn't really matter the order you do things in gymnastics.
cartsprings in gymnastics do not exist in the united kingdom* though a 'round-off' is a cartwheel with power and as you land with your legs together .... or 'cartsprings' sound like a 'handsprings' where you do a handstand to bridge and flip back up, though Very fast! thanks 08lowek x *Or in the USA
An aerial ball is when the ball goes into the air (a couple of feet off teh ground).