The jai alai basket is called a "cesta", which is Spanish for basket.
A jai alai ball is called a "pelota".
its called Jai Alai pronounced 'hy aly' its from Basque which is in Spain/France.
Jai-alai is a ball game that originated in Spain's Basque region and is played in a three-walled court with a hard rubber ball that is caught and thrown with a cesta, a long, curved wicker scoop strapped to one arm.
the sport is called Jai Alai, popular in Southern Florida
On e-bay under jai alai Cesta my grandfather makes custom ones from Tampa fl contact me for info
A Jai Alai sash is a fajo
Men's tennis.
Jose ramon areitio fastest jai alai ball thrown. August 1979 @ 188 mph
Result for today in jai alai
what is tipping for jai alai valley tonight