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the best spikes for hurdles are sprinting spikes, there are some pretty fancy specific expensive ones that the professionals use, but the sprinting spikes you can get at any good sport shop. :)

^^^ that's wrong, for hurdling you want spikes with a heel. A heel much smaller than jumping spikes but definitely bigger than the non-existent one on regular sprinting spikes

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13y ago
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16y ago

The best depends on which event you are competing in, but I assume you mean one of the horizontal jumps. Long jumpers, triple jumpers and pole vaulters normally wear similar shoes. Normally the long jump shoes don't have as thick of a heel as the triple jump shoes. Pole vaulters almost always wear a long jump or triple jump shoe but some prefer sprinting spikes, although these offer no heel protection and I wouldn't recommend them. A site that would be the best for ordering jumping spikes, or any spikes for that matter, is First to the Finish, and their URL is

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13y ago

The best spikes are the nike zoom victory. here is a short description of the shoe recommended for distances 800-1500mWith the Zoom Victory, Nike has produced the lightest mid-distance spike in history. Why? Because light equals fast. Drawing inspiration from suspension bridges, Nike developed the very light and supportive Flywire technology, which eliminates overlays to reduce weight and secure the foot. If you want to set a PR, strap on this rocket and go. Includes twelve 1/4" spikes and a spike wrench.

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14y ago

Sprint spikes are generally lighter and have little to no heel pad (crash pad), while jumping spikes usually have a good amount of cushion on the bottom (starting at the heel and often continuing all the way to the spike plate), and more often with newer models, have lockdown straps or zip-up lace covers to keep sand out, although sprint spikes may also have either, as well.

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12y ago

Your spikes all depend on how you feel comftorable, there is no certain spike which is the best because everyone has there opinion about what is comftorable.

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Yes, you probably could use them for sprinting, but if sprinting what you do at every meet, I would suggest getting a pair of sprint spikes.

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I do long jump, triple jump, and 100m and they work great. But it depends what you consider short distance. work for everything 400m and under. it has no padding on the heel so jumping with sprinting spikes can cause injury.

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I don't think an online question is the best source of information for you for this type of topic. They might be good, however, you should try out the shoes first.

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The Best Move Set for Fortress is: Use fortress as your starter battling pokemon. Then Use Spikes or Toxic spikes i recommend Toxic Spikes because it poisons the pokemon your foe uses. Then if your foe uses Spikes, Toxic Spikes or Stealth Rock make sure Fortress knows Rapid Spin because it will get rid of those pests: Spikes, Toxic Spikes or Stealth rock Best Moveset for Fortress: Spikes Toxic Spikes Rapid Spin Protect The reason for protect is because your opponent will end up fainting of poison use protect so you don't receive damage from your foe in the middle of it good luck

What year did sprinting start?

sprinting started in 1708

What brand of shoe is the best for sprinting?

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