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5.5 seconds

In middle school track most kids run 13-14 seconds in the 100m, so proportionally that would be about 5 seconds. To account for acceleration time, add about a half second to that.

This kind of data doesn't exist. The 40 yard dash is not any sort of official event, and records include winners not averages, so the only way to determine this accurately is to round up a diverse group of 13 year olds and have them run the 40 yard dash, and find the average time.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Probabally around 20, 21 minutes. good is sub 19

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16y ago

the average girl should run at the least 5minutes and 30 seconds for a half mile run

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12y ago

For a runner (such as track or cross country), about 6-8 minutes. If you're just an average kid who likes to run, probably 7-10 minutes.

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14y ago

Somewhere between 5 and nine minutes, depending on fitness level, body composition, and the ratio of slow twitch fibers to fast twitch fibers.

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15y ago

Around the area of 6 to 7 minutes.

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Q: What is the average time for a 13 year old girl's half mile run?
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