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Natural gut strings are made from the intestines of cows. The material is very good for tennis string because of its ability to expand and contract. The advantages of this string is that it provides more power, allowing you to drive shots further and it's easier on the arm. The main disadvantage is its lack of durability. Exposure to moisture and certain weather conditions can cause it to break down. Some companies who make natural gut string put a coating on it to protect against those conditions.

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Q: What is gut strings in tennis?
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Related questions

What is the price of tennis racket strings?

it can be from 2$ systhetic gut to a 45$ natural gut

Can heat hurt tennis strings?

Yes! Natural gut will pop fast. Synthetic gut will loose tension and then break. Polyester will loosen and then pop. And also it can hurt your frame. -tennis player

Are tennis rackets string made out of cat guts?

Historically, natural gut strings were made from the intestines of animals like sheep, cows, and yes, sometimes cats. However, modern tennis racket strings are primarily made from synthetic materials like nylon and polyester due to improved durability, consistency, and performance. So, cat gut strings are not commonly used in tennis rackets today.

What is a tennis racket string called?

the strings in a tennis racquet are simply called "strings".

How do you make a rabab?

The basic materials are wood, brass strings and gut strings.

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What is a folk guitar?

An acoustic guitar with steel strings (as opposed to a classical guitar which has nylon or gut strings).

Why are strings on a squash racquet hollow?

There are no hollow core squash racket strings, though they do exist for tennis. There are two main types of string design in strings used for squash: monofilament & multifilament. Monofilament strings are a single solid material while multifilament strings are braided and have no central core. Monofilament strings tend to be more durable but typically transfer more shock to the arm while multifilament strings have a softer feel at impact and are closer in playability to natural gut.

What is the best tennis strings on the market 2012?

Babolar revenge polyester strings.

Are there cat gut guitar strings?

cat gut stings are made from sheep, bull, and horse guts not cat guts. Early instruments were strung with gut.

What were ukulele strings made from in the old days?

They were made out of animal gut. Gut is normally from cattle and the term 'cat gut' is just short for 'cattle gut.' Sheep and pigs were also used.

What is the fewest number of strings needed to string a tennis racket?

Two strings are needed to string a tennis racket. The length of the string is to be about 11 to 12 meters.