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Another word for a tennis game is a match.

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What is another word for unseeded tennis player?

Unstoppable tennis champion

Which game is related to the word Drop?

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What does the word match mean for tennis?

The end of the game.

What is the plural of the word tennis?

The noun 'tennis' is an uncountable noun; an aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements that make up the game.

What three word phrase for tennis?

Game, Set, Match.

Why ls let in tennis called let?

It's from the French word roulet , another chance. So let in tennis is to give another chance

How can you play singles tennis on Wii?

You may want to re-word your question by addressing the game that you are talking about in your question. The Wii is a console, not a game, and it doesn't have Tennis, but there are many games for the Wii that have Tennis, but, for example, you can't play tennis with just two people on Wii Sports. So distinguish what game you are talking about.

What is the French word that means game of the palm?

le jeu de paume (the ancestor of tennis)

Who made up the game of tennis?

The Romans made up the game tennis but they used wooden tennis rackets.

Which game use the word pink pong?

You might mean "ping pong." The main basis of the game is for two players to hit a ball back and forth to each other using table tennis rackets. It is also called "table tennis," similar to tennis.

When did Tennis - video game - happen?

Tennis - video game - happened in 8801.

When was The Inner Game of Tennis created?

The Inner Game of Tennis was created in 1974.