Luv. Pronounced love.
Love means "0" (zero) in tennis. The word "love", itself, one is an Anglicized, misheard, interpretation of the French word "l'oeuf" (pronounced "loff" or "luff"), which means "the egg", as used in the sports term, "goose egg", meaning "nothing".
It is called 'love'
In tennis, "love" is the same as zero points. L'oeuf is the French word for egg (the shape of which is a bit like a 0). It is said that this is what was called out and over time people thought that the word was love.
The word actually comes from a mispronunciation French l'oeuf, meaning egg, since a 0 looks like an egg and love is a score of zero.
0 (zero)
In MathThe number zero. Or, null.In the English language:Cipher, cypher, nought, aught, null and zero. Also zip, nada and bupkis.Also nil, goose egg and love (in tennis).
TENNIS, Love means ZERO in Tennis, this was on a homework for math...thought id help you out...