When serving or returning, there is a deuce side and an ad side. The deuce side is on the right, the ad side is on the left.
The ad side of a tennis court is the players left side. Or the opponents right side.
deuce side..the left side is the ad side
I will interpret this question as asking which SIDE of the tennis court do you serve into first in tennis. The two halves of the tennis court are called "ad" (short for advantage) and "deuce." Your ad court is diagonal to your opponent's ad court and your deuce court is diagonal to your opponent's deuce court. You begin serving on your ad side diagonally into your opponent's ad side. If you are facing the net from the baseline, the ad side is the right and the deuce side is the left. In simpler terms, you start on the right side and serve diagonally into the left side of your opponent's court. This is a link to a tennis court diagram. Perhaps a visual will help better understand the answer to your question. It can be found on the related links.
The serve should be made in the AD court.
The right hand side is the deuce side and left is the ad side.
"Tennis court" in English is court de tennis in French.
Clay courts are known to be the slowest tennis court.
A tennis Court.:S
You say "a lit tennis court." ex. Tennis courts are lit at night.
On-Court Tennis was created in 1984.
On-Court Tennis happened in 1984.
The tennis court oath took place on an indoor tennis court in Versailles France