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The answer to this is it depends. It depends upon your age, the quality of your club, the ball you are using, the conditions etc etc.

However, if you are an average player then typically you will probably be hitting it an average of 130 yards. Subsequent clubs are about 10 yards different i.e 7 iron is 140, 6 iron is 150. -

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9y ago
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16y ago

As with any club, it completely depends on the player. There are some old lady golfers who would use an 8 iron for a 75 yard shot, and there are some pro golfers that would use an 8 iron for a 175 yard shot.

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15y ago

A 5 iron is quite a hard club to hit because it could be considered a long iron, with a longer shaft and the face has little loft. I would say it all depends on age, weight, strength and how good your swing is. Most beginners think the harder they swing the further they hit it, this is wrong, if you get into a good rhythm you will find the middle of the club and the ball will go well. I would say if you hit it 150 yards you are doing well, as you progress you will begin to hit it farther. A pro like Tiger Woods would hit a 5 iron around 190-200 yards.

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15y ago

It depend on swing speed and your individual swing plane.

Here is a way.

The most common way to figure is take your 6 or 7 Iron and hit 10-15 balls with a full swing. Measure the average distance of these and add 5 yards (Range balls are not like the ones you hit on the course).

If you don't want to do this for every iron, you can do this:

Lets say your 6 Iron goes 180 yards (100+ mph speed), then you can add 10 yards for the 5 iron and subtract 10 yards for the 7 iron and so forth.

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10y ago

a metal club for short game

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