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If you have back dimples it means our skinny. It doesn't mean your fat but your the perfect size the way you are.

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12y ago
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12y ago

it isant dimples its dents it means ur shape of ur back

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Q: What does it mean if you have those 2 dimples on your back above your butt?
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Related questions

Are back dimples real?

Yes, back dimples are real and can be found on people. Back dimples are indents in the lower back. They are located just above the butt area (or underwear waist band).

Is dimples on your butt normal?

Only if you name them.

Is it normal to have dimples in your butt crack?

Sacral dimple

What is you butt?

A part of your body above your thighs and under your back and crap comes out of it

What is the area right above your butt called?

It is called the Coccyx area of the back.

Why are fat people's butts so big?

Butts are big on baboons rather then other monkey because its for there mating ritual. The bigger and redder the butt is the more females will want them.The reason is it depends on weight. Mostly with woman.

Cheek chin and jaw implants?

If your wondering why people get them, it's because people have insecurities with them. Like, some people have dimpled chins, or "butt" chins and want implant to rid those insecurities. Cheeks can also have those same dimples. Sorry if that didn't answer your question!

What happened if you had a big butt but once you became pregnant it went flat and six years later it has not come back?

You have not been exercising those muscles. Try doing leg lifts on your tummy. Skier's squats will also exercise the large muscles in your butt. Get off the chair and walk! Those muscles respond well to exercise, and your butt will come back.

What is corporate culture?

The corporate culture has many different aspects. Back stabbling, butt kissing and self promotion are some of it's problems. The above answer is correct. It is the playground of the devil and the best place for those who like to play that type of game.

Will large amounts of oatmeal make your butt grow?

Why, sure! Add raisins if you want butt dimples. The oatmeal isn't particularly fattening, it is just everything else you put in it: sugar, syrup, butter, sausage patties, etc.

Where do your butt live?

Your butt lives in the back of your body!

Why was heated seats in a car invented?

To keep your butt and back warm in those -40c chilly winter days here in Canada