Only if you name them.
yes, yes it is.
a small crack in my butt
Yes you can use normal bleach to bleach your anus
butt crack.
Yes, back dimples are real and can be found on people. Back dimples are indents in the lower back. They are located just above the butt area (or underwear waist band).
Yes! Sometimes I braid mine and put beads in it so I have a Jamaican Vibe going on.
It won't show unless you want to show. I wear saree enough below my navel even then butt crack doesn't show when I bend. If I am in a mood to show butt crack I lower my saree further to butt crack point. It looks pretty there and when I bend it show my butt crack. Najma
Because their pants are to big or want to show their butt crack. I saw a women's butt crack at IHOP and it was sexy. And at my grand parent's nuseing home, every nurses butt crack shows!
If you have back dimples it means our skinny. It doesn't mean your fat but your the perfect size the way you are.
butt crack
my butt crack