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Anaerobic means, "without oxygen", therefore you can choose any sport that requires a quick burst of energy, not one that requires constant breathing during the task. Anaerobic energy begins with deep breaths, followed by strong exhales and is repeated for a limited time period.

*Most sports require a combination of aerobic and anaerobic energy.

Activity examples: heavy lifting, pushing or pulling; sprinting short distances, jumping high leaps, diving/swimming under water.

Try Wrestling or MMA, football lineman, Baseball pitcher, slam-dunk champion, breakaway soccer, 50 yard dash, body Surfing, or any sport where you do the above listed activities.

*Too much anaerobic activity, without enough rest periods, can cause health risks!

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Alactic energy systems are primarily used in tennis, about 70% of a tennis match, the performer will be using PCr system.

So the answer is yes, as ATP/PCr system falls under the Alactic category.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Football, Basketball, Rugby, Hockey and Soccer are all examples of anaerobic sports.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

First of all can you name an anaerobic energy system? Humans function via Aerobic respiration so there are no sports that would use an anaerobic energy system unless they are played by Bacteria.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Sprinting events. The ATP-Pcr system only lasts for the first 3-15 seconds so it is adequate for sprinting events like the 100M and the 200M.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Tennis, for one.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Sports that use anaerobic energy system?
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What sports use the anaerobic system?

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What event will mainly use your anaerobic energy system?

Rugby match

What sport uses energy system 3 to supply ATP to the body?

Sports that require short bursts of high-intensity effort, such as sprinting or weightlifting, primarily use energy system 3 (anaerobic system) to supply ATP to the body. This system relies on stored phosphocreatine to provide rapid energy for intense, short-duration activities.

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What is the definition of the anaerobic system?

The anaerobic system is a metabolic pathway that provides energy to muscles during high-intensity activities when oxygen availability is limited. It involves the breakdown of glucose without the use of oxygen to produce energy quickly, resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid as a byproduct.

What energy system is used in rugby league?

All energy systems are used. ATP-PC Anaerobic Aerobic All players use the different systems throughout the game.

Why does a sprinter use the anaerobic energy system?

They don't, theyy use the ATP-PC system, which lasts for around 10 seconds. This is because it is an explosive event which is what the attrirbrutes of the ATP-PC are designed for. has alot about energy systems, hope this helps

What do cell us for energy?

To divide and to build up large molecules!

When do you do aerobic vs anaerobic?

Aerobic exercise is typically done for longer durations at a moderate intensity and relies on oxygen to fuel the muscles, such as jogging or swimming. Anaerobic exercise is shorter in duration but higher in intensity, without the need for oxygen, such as weight lifting or sprinting. It's important to include both types of exercise in your routine for overall fitness and health benefits.

What sports use anaerobic exercise?

100 m sprint and sprint events when the athletes do not breathe.

What is The use of nitrate or sulfate to produce cellular energy is an example of?

The use of nitrate or sulfate to produce cellular energy is an example of anaerobic respiration. In contrast to aerobic respiration which requires oxygen, anaerobic respiration utilizes alternative electron acceptors like nitrate or sulfate to generate energy in the absence of oxygen.

What energy system does 200m freestyle use?

It depends on how long it takes you to complete the 200. The phosphagen system, which is an anaerobic system, is used to start any exercise. Then glycolysis takes over for the next few minutes. Glycolsis can be fast (anaerobic) or slow (aerobic). Swimming at a low intensity for a longer period of time will eventually convert to the oxidative system, an aerobic system.