sort of like a tennis court, but it has glass all around and you have to hit a ball against a wall; not a player.
It is called a squash court.
A Tennis Court. Or a Squash Court.
For an International (Softball) singles squash court, the minimum height is 18'6".
Theoretically yes it can; however, it would take a lot of work. the aluminum base of the front wall on the squash court would have to be removed and the court itself would have to be extended (racquetball courts are longer than squash courts). Also, the red lines on the walls and floor of the squash court would have to be removed and the floor markings would have to be repainted to correspond with racquetball.
Squash is a game played on a court.
The sport is probably squash, although the ball doesn't have to be black.
No, you can't. If you did, you would slip.
Wood in normal courts.
you play squash in a special squash court normally found at the gym.