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Q: Is this year the 69th 95th or 97 race in tour de France?
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Why is the Tour France named?

The Tour de France, the cycling race, just means tour of France, tour meaning race in this instance. So called because it goes around France.

Is Tour de France a person or a bike race?

The Tour de France is the most famous bike race in the world.

What is the main race in France?

Tour de France

How many teams are in the le tour de france running race?

The most well known Tour de France is a bicycle race, not a running race.

The tour de france is the boat race?

No. Tour de France is a multi-stage bicycle race stretching over several days.

In which famous race is the slowest man of the day given a red lantern?

Tour de France Tour de France

What famous bicycle race is every summer all over France?

The Tour de France, possibly the world's premier bike race.

Is le tour de france a famous car race held in france?

No. It's a bicycle race.

What is France cycling race?

The most famous bicycle race in France is probably the Tour de France. A stage race lasting Three weeks.

What part of france is the worlds best cycling race?

Tour de France

What sporting events every year take place in France?

There are many, but the best known is a cycle race - the Tour de France.

Tour de France is what type of raceAnswer with one word ONLY?

tour de France is a road bicycle race