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Running will increase your cardiovascular fitness (ie your heart will beat faster and you will breathe harder) and you will burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. The down side is that running is hard on the joints. Walking is better for the joints and you would have to walk the same distance to burn the same calories. You must also make sure you are walking at a rate that is increasing your heartrate to make sure the calories come off. Personally I prefer walking because it is lower impact, I can talk to my walking partner, listen to music and I have time to see things as I walk along. But I would have to walk for 45 minutes to get the same effect as a 15 minute run.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, there is much more cardiovascular and muscular benefits to jogging as opposed to running. For instance, if you walk 15 miles you will have the same tiredness level as jogging five. So all in all it's much more efficient and a better workout

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Hiking can often be better than walking for many reasons. Hills and mountains are common for many trails and offer the advantages of an incline and thereby an increase in difficulty. Rocks and roots, when present, force one to be more agile and use more muscle groups. Aesthetically the woods can offer cleaner air and be more visually appealing. The cons are that hiking is inherently more dangerous and may lead to a feeling of fear if the trail becomes too steep. Getting lost, not bringing enough water, and losing daylight are all serious concerns when hiking. This element of danger can be easily controlled through various preparations which leaves one more self sufficient and intelligent. Thus, although walking is healthy and pleasant, hiking is better and more enjoyable when done right.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The answer to this question depends on the person. If you have a healthy body and it can take the impact of running, running would be more beneficial than walking. Running can get you fit a lot faster than walking as long as you are consistent. Start slow and don't run for too long at first. If you wtick with it, you will find it getting easier. If you are not in the condition to run, bad knees or something, then walking would be very good. If you decide to walk, walk fast so that you fatigue. If you walk slowly, the benefit is much less.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes and no, jogging and running certainly can achieve greater calorie burn in less time, however the wear and tear on the body is increased. A person can walk for a much longer time then they can jog or run, and it will have less of an impact on the joints and feet. If you are starting a new exercise program, power walking would be a wonderful place to start, in time you will find that you have the ability to jog with easy, then run! Enjoy!

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βˆ™ 11y ago

It's more a question of being different than being better. Bicycling doesn't have the impact loads that you get while jogging, but you need to go farther/faster to get the same amount of workout. Some people also find it hard to cope with the riding position of a bike.
riding a bike, less impact on your knees, i find it more fun and you can focus on other stuff besides just exercising

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βˆ™ 11y ago

It depends;

Walking is best for weight losswhere as running is better for muscle build-up.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Jogging is better. Your body is in more motion, and it burns more callories.

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Fast walking is cardiovascular exercise. Normal walking is called as exertion. Fast walking consumes more calories than slow jogging per mile.

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Well, if you're jogging on the treadmill I don't see a different, other than maybe the impact on your knees. If you walk on the treadmill its not as good as jogging, but that is simply because its walking vs. jogging, not treadmill vs. another environment.

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Walking is better than electronics because you get more exercise for your body.

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It is impossible to answer this question without knowing "Better for what?" Cardio involves the upper body more than jogging. Nevertheless, most people probably would prefer jogging. The best way to answer that question is to try them both and see which works better for your purpose.

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Do you burn more calories while walking or jogging?

When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what it is that you are doing. If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.But probably, jogging would get your heart rate up more than walking, so for the same period of time, jogging would burn more calories.