Gymnastics is definitely a harder and tougher sport both skill wise and the sport itself. Gymnastics is such a brutal sport while football is for wimps Gymnasts are probably tougher than the navy seals!!!
The way i see it they both have their own difficulties as they both require a different set of skills; ie. gymnastics requires strength, balance and flexibility where hockey requires endurance, hand-eye co-ordination and teamwork. In saying that, it's very opinion based and it's likely to vary from one person to the next, so i guess ultimately it would depend on variables such as athleticism, enjoyment, skills etc.
softball is so much harder! baseball is such a wimpy spot for guys.. there pitching is just like throwing.. so yea softball is harder.. so all the guys out there who think baseball is harder DIE
baseball ... it has been proven that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports , pitching is the 3rd hardest and fielding is the 4th hardest ... and according to ESPN's degree of difficulty sports baseball is ranked a harder sport
Is this a serious question? Soccer is the most popular sport in the world
gymnastics was founded in 2500AD
Gymnatics apparatus
you can use your hole body
Ice hockey, by virtue of requiring good skating skills at the same time as dribbling a puck.
no it isn't kicking a soccer ball is. it is a baseball because you have to trow a ball hit run to a base and slid
Baseball is boring as it is. its pretty easy to play. Soccer is extremely hard and takes time to learn. But lacrosse is the most physical game in the us. It was used by indians to prepare men for war. based on the facts lacrosse is definitely harder than base ball but is a tiny bit harder than soccer.
Baseball, just cause soccer is world wide dosent mean its better. Its just the worst sport ever its simple kick a ball in a net. Baseball better more complicated and harder. I have played both.