a gainer is like a backflip but instead of going straight back you go to the side by pushing off of only one leg
This sounds pretty corny but, i have only heard of a gainer used for swimming. It's when you are running forward then leap backwards doing a back flip. Hope that makes sense.
Full speed, then one foot on the wall and flip back.
Yes, Gymnastics is harder than free running because you have to flip and back flip and do uneven bar's. So yes it is harder.
To build momentum when doing things like that, start by running, when you get close to where you want to do your move do a hurdle, round off, then take the bounce you get from your round off and do your back flip.
traveling is like when you do a back flip you travel if u don't land in the same place that you started
double back flip
you flip idiot
it will back flip x10000000
No a back hand spring is when you do a real fast back walkover with you feet together. A back flip is also known as a back tuck and that's when you flip in the air.
a back flip or a front flip wich is sooooooo much easier.