No a back hand spring is when you do a real fast back walkover with you feet together. A back flip is also known as a back tuck and that's when you flip in the air.
A toe back is really a touch touch backhandspring. After you land your toe touchjump right into your backhandspring.
A backhandspring is like a back limber but you jump into it only do with proffesionals spotting you do not try by yourself or when no one is looking unless you have a sturdy back handspring
Go to youtube and type in How To Do A Backhandspring.
Yes because you have to get your legs back further.
probally the fist tumble was a forwards roll but the first acual tumbleing was probally a roundoff backhandspring
It just depends on how long your kickovers are and how long your round off backhandspring. ther is no correct answer becaude everyone does it differently.
same as every character
Gymnast do a backhandspring by a lot of practice alo it a super fast back walkover with your legs together
double back flip
Backhandspring (step down one foot at a time), no handed backhandspring (step out one foot at a time) This trick is usually preformed on beam.
traveling is like when you do a back flip you travel if u don't land in the same place that you started
It depends on who you ask, if you ask a club gymnast she will most likely say a backtuck, frontuck and so on! If you ask a cheerleader or highschool gymnast they will probably say that its a backhandspring or fronthandspring. Your Welcome!!