The idea of counterbalancing is like see-saws or scales. You use the weight a part of your body in different positions to equal the the lighter or heavier part of your body to. Example: When you do a arabesque or a scale you lean forward as your leg goes up backwards to counterbalance your weight.
counter balance is shifting your weight side to side trying to keep your balance like in a handstand.
A static balance is something you hold e.g. handtand
In gymnastics, the balance beam is perhaps the sport where good balance is most critical.
A partner balance it a balance where you are balancing completely on your partner.
Counter balance is usually the object that keeps another object in balance. Without the counter balance on a scale, both sides would be unequal.
1: Gymnastics improves strength. 2: Gymnastics improves balance. 3: Gymnastics improves cardio.
Counter balance is usually the object that keeps another object in balance. Without the counter balance on a scale, both sides would be unequal.
when your not flexible in gymnastics you can lose your balance and fall over,you can get hurt
Most say that gymnastics the foundation for most sports. Gymnastics helps to grow strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination.
Counter balance is usually the object that keeps another object in balance.