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The word actually comes from a mispronunciation French l'oeuf, meaning egg, since a 0 looks like an egg and love is a score of zero.

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Q: In a tennis score the word love is from what French word?
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What is love in tennis score?

The word love in tennis is a corresponding call in scoring of it and the meaning of love in tennis is 0.

What does the score “love” mean in tennis?

Love means "0" (zero) in tennis. The word "love", itself, one is an Anglicized, misheard, interpretation of the French word "l'oeuf" (pronounced "loff" or "luff"), which means "the egg", as used in the sports term, "goose egg", meaning "nothing".

What is the score love-mean in tennis?

In tennis, "love" is the same as zero points. L'oeuf is the French word for egg (the shape of which is a bit like a 0). It is said that this is what was called out and over time people thought that the word was love.

What does the word love in tennis mean?

It means that there is no score so saying 15-love you would be saying the score is 15 to nothing

What word symbolizes zero in tennis?

Love, in tennis or table tennis zero or nothing means love

Why is a 0 score in tennis called love?

It is commonly believed that a score of zero in tennis is called love because of a mispronunciation of the French word L'oeuf. L'oeuf means egg in French and is sometimes used as slang for zero.

French word for 'out' in tennis?

The French word for Tennis is the same as in English: (le) tennis.

What is the french translation for 'Tennis'?

the French use the same word, tennis.

What is the mean of love in volleyball?

love means they have no points like say they said "12, love" that means 12 to zero

What is te french word for tennis courts?

terrain de tennis

What is the umpire saying when the score is 40 to 40 at the French Open?

The French word for Deuce is 'Egalite', but in French Open tennis it appears the first call of Deuce ie. the next score after 30-40 or 40-30 is 'Quarante a' or obviously '40 all'. Apologies for the lack of accents!

What is the french word for tennis courts?

tennisseee courteee