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Q: Why do they call zero instead of love at French Open?
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How do you call a girl my love in French?

Mon amour

What is another word to use instead of love when saying i love you?

Seclamour is French for ' That's love' No it's c'est l'amour

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What is masculine of my love in French?

"Mon amour" is the masculine form of "my love" in French.

How do you say in french i like you?

je t'aime bien (if you take the 'bien' out that means 'I love' instead of 'I like')

French word for i love you my husband?

"mon mari, je t'aime" (French women would rather use "chéri" instead of "mon mari")

I love you so deeply in french?

je t'aime si profondément (maybe French lovers would say 'tant' or 'tellement' instead)

French translation for im crazy in love?

I'm crazy in love (with...) --> je suis follement amoureux (de...) If you are a girl, you say "amoureuse" instead of "amoureux".

What is the old french ritual between lovers involving blood and wine?

to make love in the bed with the condiments listed instead of the usual

How do say you love it in french?

love in french is "amour".

What does Bon amour Mon Cheri?

you may mean 'mon amour' (my love) 'mon chéri' (my darling) instead of 'bon amour' (good love), which is strange in French.

What do you call the person you love in other languages?

In French, it can be ma cherie, mon amour, mon ange, ma petite, ...