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The minimum number of pins you would need to knock down to get a 260 would be 97: nine strikes in a row, followed by a 6-1 in the tenth frame.

Obviously, it's not the number of total pins that matter, but the number of strikes in a row; it's possible to knock down the same 97 pins and yet only score a 97 game.

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13y ago

Assuming 10-pin Bowling, if you knock all the pins down in one frame with one ball (a strike), you get 10 points plus the number of pins you knock down with your next two balls.

If you knock all the pins down in one frame with two balls (a spare), you get 10 points plus the number of pins you knock down with your next ball.

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9y ago

All ten.

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Q: How many bowling pins do you need to knock down to get a strike?
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In bowling what is the objective?

The objective of Bowling is to knock down and many pins as possible.

What is a bowling ball?

A bowling ball is a ball that is used in the game of bowling, where you roll the ball down an aisle and try to knock down as many pins as you can.

If you get 7 strikes in a row how many points would you have?

The scoring for a strike in bowling is 10 plus the number of pins you knock down on the next two deliveries. If the first of those deliveries is another strike, you would get another 10. You would add to that (20) the number of pins you knock down on your next delivery. For example, if you knocked down 7 pins you would get 27 for the first strike (10 + 10 + 7) and for the second strike you would get 10 + 7 + the number of pins you knock down on your next delivery.

How many tries do you get in each frame of bowling to knock down all the pins?


What is the objetives of bowling?

the objective is to knock down as many pins as possible in 2 balls i know people say 10 frames but the max is 12 frames if you get a strike in the 10th you get an extra ball get another strike extra ball or if you get the strike then a say 4 you get a chance to try and spare it hope this awnsered your question

How many pins do you get if you get a spare in bowling?

You have to knock down ten pins in two tries to get a spare.

What tactics are involved in bowling?

Knock down as many pins as possible, using a combination of strength, speed, targeting, accuracy and equipment.

How many fames are there in bowling?

There are 10 frames in bowling. If you get a strike or spare in the 10th frame you get additional shot(s) -- 1 for spare and 2 for strike.

How many pins would I have to knock down to get a perfect score of 300?

Bowling 12 strikes in a row, which would be the equivalent of 120 physical pins, would score to be a 300.

How is bowling scored?

Each frame consists of two deliveries, unless you knock all 10 pins down on the first delivery, this is called a strike. If you knock them all down after the second delivery its a spare. In the tenth frame however, if you get a strike or spare, you get three deliveries. The total number of pins for each frame gets added together unless you roll a strike or spare. If you roll a strike its worth 10 plus what you get on your next 2 deliveries. A spare is worth 10 plus your next delivery. This means in a frame where there's a strike or spare the score for that frame can't be filled in until your next two or one deliveries have been thrown respectively.

How does the weight of a bowling ball dentermines how many pins it will knock down?

the weight of the ball does have an impact because the heavier the ball the more drive through the pin thus creating more pinfall.

In bowling if you knock down the seventh and tenth bowling pin how many do you have left standing?

While I'm not exactly sure I understand what your asking, if you knocked down the 7th and 10th bowling pins ONLY, you would have 8 pins left standing. This would be extremely difficult to do, however, since the pin you hit would likely hit more than just that single other pin.